The deadline to apply for the Robert Henry Hughes Memorial Scholarship is May 31, and takers are few.
The $1,000 scholarship, administered through Fayette County Judge-Executive Jon Larson's office, gives recipients $500 a semester and is renewable each year as long as the student maintains a 3.0 grade-point average.
Deputy Judge-Executive Stephen McFayden, who has been assigned to get the word out, said he has visited most Fayette County high schools and spoken with guidance counselors.
There is $35,000 available, he said, not including money that has been set aside for recipients who have maintained the required grade-point average.
Applicants need to submit a "hand-written essay" describing their accomplishments or need for the scholarship. The "hand-written" part might be the most difficult for some students in this age of computers.
The scholarship will be given equally to black and white students, McFayden said, according to the wishes of Hughes, who left $100,000 in his will to fund the scholarship.
Hughes died in 1935. He was biracial, with a black mother, Ellen Davis, and white father, John T. Hughes, a wealthy horseman and landowner.
Applications are available in counselor's offices at local high schools, McFayden said. Students also may email him at or call (859) 255-1001, and an application will be mailed to them. Remember, the deadline is May 31.
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