Thursday, September 8, 2011

Consolidated Baptist Church Singles Ministry is hosting ...

It's 2nd Annual Singles' Conference

Singularly Focused

October 7 & 8, 2011

Conference registration opens September 4.

Cost:$20 ($15.00, if registered by September 18.)

Friday night features a night of worship with Dr. Kevin Cosby. Friday is FREE and open to the public.

Conference Day (Saturday) features speakers from around the community that will focus on various topics including "Stop Waiting: Exhale!", "Sexuality in HD", "One Is a Whole Number", and more. Saturdays speakers include; REV. DIANE BROWN, FROM ST STEPHEN CHURCH, Louisville, KY. Min. Steven Harris, of Consolidated Baptist Church, and Pastor Anita Harris of the Body of Christ in Cincinnati, OH, just to name a few.

You do not want to miss this time of enlightenment, celebration, and fellowship. Register at Consolidated baptist Church, following each service or on-line at

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